Please bear with me while I get the hang of this - I'm not sure where to begin exactly. I love knitting and yarn and making stuff. Truly! If you can think of a crafty type class, I've probably taken it. I'm no expert either, believe me. I'm whatcha might call a dabbler. Trying everything and excelling at nothing, but having alot of fun. The best thing is there are still so many cool things out there I have yet to try! I'd love to learn glass blowing and lampwork bead making and I would die for a kiln to make precious metal clay jewelry, enamels and slump glass. But don't worry, knitting will always be a part of my life. If I don't knit at least a little each day, I get withdrawals....:)
Ok, on the knitting front. I currently have a pair of beautiful multi-gray no purl monkeys on the needles that I'm making for Mr. Peeps, AKA Twisted Knitster (yes, he's a knitter and a spinner too!). Now you might not think the monkeys are a particularly manly type of sock, but they aren't bad actually. They aren't super lacy and they knit up pretty quickly; even though I have been poking through the second one. Hey, YOU try whipping out a pair of size 15's in just a day or two! My goal is to finish them by midnight tonight as our last submission to Southern Summer of Socks.
I have two other things OTN. One is a straw bag that I started last summer from raffia and let me tell you, that stuff is a BEE-YOTCH to knit. It makes your hands all sore and red and it takes so long to knit that the end of summer came before I could finish the dang thing. I will finish it up this year though just cause I hate to have unfinished projects. I'm one of those weirdos you've heard about - the one who has to finish the project she's working on before she starts another. I know, I know, but otherwise I would never go back to the previous project. I have too many things in mind and would just build a giant half knitted stash for the back of the closet.
The second thing is something I started oh, two years ago? Maybe three? Its a self-designed tank top done with an intarsia sunset on the front. Its pretty and the front is nearly done, but when I started it I didn't know much about shaping so now I'm worried that its not going to fit right. I really should go back and tackle that soon.
My last bit of news is about a shopping trip. Yes, Mr. Peeps and I have been on a yarn diet for quite some time now. At this point, it is more of a lifestyle! But we do give in to our cravings here and there and on Saturday we went off the wagon just a bit. We had heard about this new store Twist that had opened up in Manhattan Beach. I knew Mr. Peeps wanted to go cause they have the new Malabrigo silk and so I suggested a trip up the coast. Well, what a wonderful little shop! They have so many glorious colors of Malabrigo - all weights except sock which is COMING soon! Its a very charming and beautiful shop chock full of yarn and even has a dye studio on one side. The owner, Cathy, was wonderful, chatting about the yarns - what we like and what we think. Such a sweet, knowledgeable lady. If you have the opportunity to go visit, I hope you do! I came home with gorgeous yarn for a shawl that varies from deepest purple to a lighter shade. It is Graceful Lace Yarn by Yarn Place.
Cathy had done up a sample and it was so beautiful I had to have some. I also ended up with some sea glass buttons and one lovely mother of pearl button. (I'm a bit of a button freak). A very satisfying yarn shopping trip and I'll definitely be going back. Oh yeah, Mr. Peeps got some of that awesome Malabrigo silk in a purply color also. Go to his blog and check it out!